Why are Fragrance Commercials so Strange?

Have you ever wondered why some perfume commercials are, well, a little odd? From Calvin Klein’s famous Obsession ads to Chanel's long history with No. 5 ads, the fragrance industry has gained a reputation for producing strange commercials.

Often extremely elaborate, some fragrance ads even seem as though they have little to do with representing the actual product. In reality, this couldn’t be further from the truth! Although fragrance advertisements can seem a little strange, they are actually proven to be quite effective. If you are curious about the reasoning behind these commercials, you’re in luck!

Today, we will be discussing a few reasons fragrance houses have chosen to utilize the iconic ad style that consumers have grown to expect, and love.

Why are celebrity perfume commercials so incredibly awful?

The perception of perfume ads, particularly celebrity perfume commercials, being "awful" is subjective and varies from person to person. Several factors contribute to this perception. Firstly, condensing the complexity of fragrance concepts into short commercials can be challenging, resulting in a simplified or exaggerated representation of the scent. Secondly, some viewers may find these commercials overly glamorous or disconnected from reality due to their high production values, elaborate sets, and extravagant visuals. This can create a sense of detachment from everyday life. Lastly, personal taste plays a significant role as fragrance preferences differ among individuals. What one person finds captivating, another may find unappealing. It's important to note that while some may have reservations, others appreciate the creativity, star power, and aspirational qualities that these commercials bring.

Perfume ads often strive to create a distinct and memorable brand image by tapping into the realm of creativity and imagination. While some may find these adverts weird, it's because they purposefully aim to transcend traditional boundaries and evoke emotions rather than adhering strictly to logical narratives. Here are a few reasons why perfume adverts can sometimes be perceived as strange:

Evoking Emotions

Perfume ads aim to connect with viewers on an emotional level rather than providing a literal representation of the fragrance. They often use abstract storytelling, surreal visuals, and symbolic elements to evoke feelings and sensations associated with the scent.

They Keep the Product on Your Mind

Let’s be honest, which ad is a person more likely to remember: one where a no-name actor simply states the product name, or one that includes a sort of short film with famous actors. Of course the latter is going to make a much bigger impact.

When consumers can associate a fragrance with a celebrity, they have an additional point of reference that they wouldn’t have had with an unknown actor. Inquisitive fragrance seekers can then do an online search for the fragrance that a specific celebrity promotes. In addition, that bizarre short film is going to be much more likely to stick out in a consumer’s mind.

Consumers see hundreds of ads a week, and each product is attempting to make a solid impression. If a fragrance ad seems slightly odd, this is good. Strange is memorable! Fragrance houses know that if they can create a memorable ad, they will be able to increase their revenue tenfold.


With countless perfumes available in the market, brands strive to stand out and be memorable. By embracing unconventional and unexpected elements, perfume ads aim to create a distinct and unique identity that sets them apart from the competition.

Artistic Expression: Perfume ads often blur the line between art and advertising, employing artistic techniques and aesthetics to create visually stunning and thought-provoking campaigns. This approach allows brands to express their creativity and make a lasting impression on viewers.

Artistic Expression

Perfume ads often blur the line between art and advertising, employing artistic techniques and aesthetics to create visually stunning and thought-provoking campaigns. This approach allows brands to express their creativity and make a lasting impression on viewers.

Capturing Attention

In a world saturated with advertisements, brands need to find innovative ways to capture viewers' attention. By embracing weird or unconventional elements, perfume ads can create curiosity, intrigue, and discussion, ensuring their message stands out in a crowded advertising landscape.

They Appeal to a Wide Audience.

The topics covered in fragrance commercials are often very similar: luxury, sensuality, opulence, etc. The reason these topics have been repeatedly recycled over the years is that they project the goals of a wide audience.

Most, if not all, people have the desire to live in the lap of luxury, and when a person sees a fragrance commercial that associates a perfume with a luxurious lifestyle, they begin to equate the two. Consumers will internalize the idea that purchasing a particular fragrance will help them to achieve their goals, and maybe even smell like your favorite celebrity! 

Are you looking for a fragrance that you saw in a commercial? Come over to the Fragrance Market to find all the hottest, on trend fragrances.


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